Earn Money
by Referring Potion

Get up to 30% recurring commission* on every successful sale and champion of future of sales.

Build a Sustainable Passive Income
with Our Recurring Commissions

Project your potential income by simply adding in your expected referrals per month and discover your earnings potential as a Potion Affiliate in just a single year.

Your estimated passive income is determined by your monthly plan referrals, adjusted for a 2% churn rate.

Note that the calculator currently displays earnings from the current based on 20% averaged recurring commission rate.

$1,287.5 2023 2024 $1,287.520232024
*This graph illustrates your monthly income growth based on your choices.

Your Success, Our Priority

Lifetime Monthly Payments

Earn upto 30% recurring commissions based on the plan a customer signs up for, paid to your PayPal monthly.

Marketing Materials

Wealth of promo materials: banners, posts, templates, all you need for success.

Monitor Your Earnings

Get real-time performance insights: Track campaigns and earnings as they happen.

Long Conversion Window

Our 60-day tracking cookies & last-touch attribution ensure proper credit for your lengthy user journey.

Strong Retention Rates

Potion is an easy sell. Our customers benefit from top performance, security, and 24/7/365 expert support.

Monitor Your Earnings

Get real-time performance insights: Track campaigns and earnings as they happen.

Who is Potion’s Affiliate Program For?

Diversify Revenue Streams

For agencies focused on sales, marketing, or digital services, diversification is crucial. By partnering with Potion as an affiliate, you can tap into an additional revenue stream. Commissions earned through successful referrals can significantly enhance an agency's bottom line too.

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

In today's competitive agency landscape, differentiation is key. Agencies affiliated with Potion gain access to innovative technology that sets them apart from competitors. Being able to offer Potion's AI-driven video personalization as part of their services positions agencies as industry leaders, attracting clients who seek forward-thinking partners.

Maximize Client Retention

With Potion's help, agencies can create highly personalized, engaging video campaigns that strengthen client relationships. Happy clients are more likely to stay loyal and refer others. The affiliate program's generous commissions also allow agencies to reward and incentivize clients who refer new business.

No Additional Costs

Agencies can join Potion's Affiliate Program at no cost. There are no barriers to entry, making it an accessible opportunity for agencies of all sizes.

We believe in the power of synergy and partnership. Our Affiliate Program is primarily tailored for Potion customers, those who have already integrated Potion into their sales and marketing strategies. Why? Because they know firsthand the incredible impact Potion has on lead generation, engagement, and sales conversion. These satisfied customers are uniquely positioned to authentically endorse our product, as they've seen the tangible results it delivers.

For us, it’ not just about customers promoting our product; it's about creating a mutually beneficial partnership. By supporting Potion's growth, our customers directly contribute to the continuous improvement of our tool, ensuring it remains at the cutting edge of AI-driven video personalization.

Do you own a Blog, YouTube channel, Podcast, etc.? Then you can partner with Potion to seamlessly integrate AI-powered personalized video solutions into your content strategy. Thereby, enhancing your content relevance and engagement. Through our affiliate program, publishers (like yourself!) can monetize their influence by introducing their audience to our game-changing solution for sales and marketing professionals. Equally earning recurring commissions for successful referrals and generating a consistent passive income stream.

With comprehensive support, including a user-friendly affiliate dashboard, marketing materials, and dedicated assistance, Potion empowers content publishers to thrive as affiliate partners while elevating their content strategy.

Amplify Your Earnings

Marketing professionals can leverage their industry expertise and networks to amplify their earnings. Whether you're a marketer working for a company, a freelancer, or an agency owner, Potion's Affiliate Program offers a lucrative opportunity to boost your income.

Align with Cutting-Edge Technology

Stay at the forefront of marketing innovation by promoting Potion. Marketing professionals thrive when they can offer clients and audiences solutions that are both effective and innovative. Potion's AI-driven video personalization tool empowers marketers to engage prospects with personalized video content, increasing response rates and enhancing brand connections.

Enhance Your Skillset

Joining Potion's Affiliate Program isn't just about earning commissions; it's an opportunity to enhance your skillset. By delving into the intricacies of video prospecting, AI-driven personalization, and sales strategies, you'll develop a valuable skillset that can set you apart in the marketing landscape.

Educate Your Audience

As a marketing professional, you're often a source of information and insights for your audience. By promoting Potion, you can educate your audience about the benefits of video prospecting and AI-driven personalization. This not only positions you as a thought leader but also provides valuable knowledge to your clients or followers.

Enhanced Outreach

Potion's personalized video prospecting tool is designed to enhance outreach efforts. Imagine the impact of personalized video messages in your outreach campaigns. By promoting Potion, you can help your peers discover a tool that significantly improves response rates and engagement.

Passive Income

Sales is a results-driven profession. As an affiliate, you earn a recurring commission of up to 30% on successful referrals. This supplementary income can be a valuable addition to your earnings, offering financial rewards for promoting a product you believe in.

Authentic Recommendations

As an SDR, your credibility is paramount. You're trusted by your prospects and clients for your honest recommendations. With Potion, you're not just selling a product; you're enhancing the sales experience. Your authentic endorsements will carry weight, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Aligned Expertise

SDRs are the unsung heroes of the sales world, experts in prospecting, and engaging with leads. Potion's AI-driven video personalization tool perfectly complements these skills. By promoting Potion, you can leverage your expertise and introduce a game-changing tool to your network.

How Does it


Sign Up

Joining our affiliate program is quick and easy. Simply fill out the form to get started.

Potion step 1 screen


Receive unique affiliate link and access to our promotional material.

Potion step 2 screen

Earn Big

Earn up to 30% commission on every successful sale generated through your referrals.

Potion step 3 screen

Ready to Start Earning Big?

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of our rewarding video prospecting affiliate program. Join us today!


What is the Potion Affiliate Program?

The Potion Affiliate Program is a partnership initiative that allows individuals and businesses to promote Potion's innovative AI-driven video prospecting tool. Affiliates earn commissions for each successful sale generated through their referral efforts.

Do I need to be a Potion user to join the affiliate program?

No, you don't need to be an existing Potion user to join the affiliate program. However, having knowledge of Potion's features and benefits can be advantageous when promoting the product to potential customers.

How much commission can I earn?

You can earn a recurring commission of up to 30% by reaching the Platinum Tier. Once you sign up, you'll be introduced to the Standard Tier, where you'll earn a flat 15% commission. The more customers you refer, the higher would be your commission rate.

Is there a minimum payout threshold?

Yes, to receive payouts, affiliates must reach a minimum payout threshold of $100. This threshold ensures that affiliate earnings are consolidated before disbursal.

How often are commissions paid?

Commissions are typically paid out on a monthly basis. The payment schedule is first week of each following month, for the payout generated in the previous month.

How do I track my affiliate earnings?

Upon joining the affiliate program, you will be provided with a personalized affiliate dashboard. This dashboard will offer real-time tracking of your referrals, clicks, and commissions, making it easy to monitor your earnings and performance.

Can I promote Potion on multiple platforms as an affiliate?

Yes, you are encouraged to promote Potion on multiple platforms such as your website, blog, social media, email newsletters, and more. Utilizing various marketing channels can help you reach a broader audience and increase your earning potential.

Please note: It is strictly prohibited to use paid media channels like Google Ads to drive affiliate traffic.

Is there any cost to join the affiliate program?

No, there is ZERO cost for joining the Potion Affiliate Program. It's free to sign up and start promoting Potion to earn commissions on successful referrals. You only need to meet the program's eligibility criteria.