AI video prospecting software for sales

Use Potion's sales video software for personalized video outreach, re-engaging leads, and boosting conversions.

See it in action below

Potion's AI generated videos for prospecting

Hyper-personalized outreach videos

Use Potion's AI-powered sales video software to hyper-personalize your sales outreach by creating personalized video messages for each prospect. Our AI video prospecting software empowers you to customize elements like names, background, company logos, and specific pain points. Thus, making your personalized video outreach more engaging and relevant. Take your sales team to the next level with our cold outreach AI tool. Automate personalized messaging, increase engagement, and build lasting relationships with potential customers, leading to significant revenue gains. See all examples here.


Streamline your demo videos

Streamline your demo videos with Potion's video generation AI, designed to simplify and accelerate your content creation process. Whether you're showcasing a product, service, or software, Potion automates video production by generating professional, high-quality videos tailored to your brand. Our AI prospecting software enables you to focus on refining your message while it handles the heavy lifting. This ensures your demos are visually engaging, consistent, and ready to impress your prospects. Automate product demos to save time and resources, while delivering a consistent, high-quality experience.


Re-engage dormant leads

Potion's AI personalized videos help you re-engage inactive leads by creating personalized, attention-grabbing videos at scale. By leveraging AI prospecting tools, you can craft tailored messages that resonate with each lead's unique interests, enhancing your video for sales efforts. This efficient approach reestablishes connections and boosts conversion rates without heavy manual effort.


Retarget warm leads

Reignite interest in your brand with Potion's AI video prospecting software. Create personalized video outreach messages to re-engage warm leads and drive more sales. By leveraging AI-driven content creation, you can quickly produce tailored video ads that speak directly to the interests and behaviors of your audience. This approach not only keeps your brand top-of-mind but also enhances conversion rates by delivering compelling, relevant messages at the right time. It ensures that your warm leads stay engaged and move further down the sales funnel.


Maximize sales with product upsells

Boost your video for sales strategy by effortlessly scaling personalized video outreach to promote product upsells. Potion's AI automates the process, allowing you to quickly do dynamic video creation, and create targeted videos tailored to individual customer preferences. AI prospecting tools also enable you to integrate upsell offers directly into your video outreach, you can significantly boost customer engagement, highlight complementary products, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates. Whether for email campaigns or in-app messaging, Potion's sales video software ensures your upsell strategy is both scalable and effective.

Summarize your demo and plan for next steps

Potion's AI makes it easy to create professional-quality video summaries of your product demos. With AI-driven text-to-video capabilities for sales teams, you can effortlessly convert key highlights into engaging visuals, saving time and enhancing communication. After summarizing your demo, the next steps include customizing the content to reflect your brand, adding call-to-actions, and seamlessly integrating the video into your personalized outreach campaigns. Our cold outreach AI ensures you can consistently deliver polished, impactful messages that drive engagement and accelerate your business goals.

Why Choose Potion For

Create Quick, Personalized Videos

Videos help your buyers see the real you. Quickly record a video message with your webcam and/or generate one from text to get your message across effectively.

Drive Action with Custom CTAs

Boost scheduling sales meetings by adding a compelling call-to-action (CTA) directly below your video.

Use Interactive Elements

Build a stronger connection with your buyer by adding their name, website, logo, and even GIFs to the video, making it personal and unforgettable.

Increase Email Open Rates

A video thumbnail is more enticing than a block of text. Potion’s personalized video emails have been proven to increase open and response rates by up to 500%.

Share via Email, LinkedIn or Text

Easily share your video through Email, LinkedIn, Text, or anywhere with a quick-share link.

Track Campaign Performance

Detailed analytics on views, clicks, and engagement that show who’s watching and how they’re engaging with your content.

Stories of Success

Real stories of sales success, straight from those who know us best.



Briliant tool for cold outreach! Excellent app with fantastic support! Highly recommend!

Damian Biricevski

We have become heavy users of Potion across our entire team. It has increased our sales team’s performance substantially and we are incorporating it into more and more of our routines every week.

Rex Biberston


What is AI video prospecting, and how does it benefit my sales outreach?

AI video prospecting involves using artificial intelligence to create personalized video messaging tailored to each prospect. This approach enhances your sales outreach by making your messages more engaging and relevant. Further leading to higher response rates and better connections with potential customers. You can either self record then personalize or use our text to video generation feature.

How does Potion improve the efficiency of my sales team?

Our cold outreach AI software streamlines the process of creating and distributing personalized video content. Thereby, reducing the time and effort required for manual sales outreach. This allows your sales team to focus more on closing deals and less on administrative tasks. Ultimately, improving productivity and efficiency.

How do gestures impact the viewer’s perception of my video?

Gestures in AI video sales add a layer of expressiveness and engagement to your video. Thus, making it more memorable and relatable for the viewer. This can lead to a stronger connection with your audience, higher engagement rates, and improved overall effectiveness of your AI video prospecting outreach.

Can I have multiple video backgrounds in my Potion video?

Yes, our sales video software allows you to use multiple video backgrounds within a single video. This feature lets you seamlessly transition between different settings or themes. Thus, making your videos more dynamic and visually engaging. Whether you want to highlight different products, showcase various locations, or simply add a creative touch. Our multiple backgrounds functionality helps you tailor each part of your message to resonate more effectively with your audience.

Cold emails seem easier. Isn't prospecting with video too time-consuming?

While creating compelling videos takes some effort, the payoff can be significant. Think of it as an investment. Videos can save time in the long run by increasing response rates and shortening sales cycles. Plus, many user-friendly video creation tools exist to streamline the process.

If you want to explore more, read this insightful article on cold emails vs video prospecting.

Can I integrate video prospecting with my existing cold email campaigns?

Yes! Mention your video in your email and create a sense of intrigue. Offer it as a valuable resource that provides more in-depth information. This can significantly boost your email open rates and click-through rates.

Bonus Tip: No matter which method you choose, personalization is key. Tailor your outreach, whether through email or video, to your prospects' specific needs and interests. This increases the chance of sparking a genuine conversation and closing the deal.

Should I use a script for my prospecting videos?

Scripting can help you stay on track and ensure key points are covered. However, avoid sounding robotic. Practice delivering naturally and injecting your personality. Consider using a teleprompter for a polished yet conversational feel. Here are a few video prospecting scripts if you need some inspiration.

Start personalized sales outreach with ease!